Friday, April 1, 2011

March Madness...

As many of my readers know that this past month has been a very trying one. Although its wound up leaving me distressed and some what wounded I can look back on it and see that God is teaching me. Ive learned that I can be clingy and needy (I'm working on just backing up and just giving some space and time where it is needed.) I will admit that no I do not have this down pat but I am truly doing some soul searching and asking God to help. Its hard for me just to let completely go but I'm learning to let go. I have to trust God and I have to learn that even when I have no idea what is going on be it with a person I care deeply about or whether its a situation. I can honestly say that I am learning to just let go and let God take complete control. Yes its hard...I'm female and I like to be there for people that's just part of who I am but I can honestly say that I do have trouble of just letting go and backing off when I am asked to or when I need to. Sometimes the best thing you can do for a person or a situation is to just give it up to God. I will admit that yes I have a hard time trusting. I am asking God for His help in this. So I ask you to pray for me that I am better able to back off, let go and trust. I also ask for a little patience from those who I have crowded. Psalm 56:11 In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid.

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